Talk to Fa

i am magic

because i’ve made peace with my light and shadow because of the love i’ve worked to cultivate for myself because i have done the work most people run away from because of my inner knowing and trust to follow through with it

this, is earned.


you cannot tolerate me because my light illuminates your shadow. i see right through BS and my authenticity intimidates you. i show up truthfully and wholeheartedly and give you my all – mind, body, and soul… just like you wanted. but you don’t know how to receive me as a whole because you are in denial of who you could be, hiding behind heavy layers of who you think you should be.

my soul has lived many, many lives my intuition is not random it is the accumulation of knowledge and experiences from my past and current lives


Are you really one of them?

Or do you find comfort in associating yourself with those who give you a false sense of belonging, security, and strength?

#healing #ancestors

he loved and worshipped her but his vessel was too small to receive her as a whole

the grandeur of her love the brightness of her light the purity of her heart and soul

it was all too shiny too good to be true so he turned it into evil

if he only knew it was the most real thing he’d ever experienced

#love #poems

she tells me there was a man in her life a long time ago

she loved him with all her heart

but they couldn’t be together

this was before her marriage

the man and grandpa shared the same name

she spent the rest of her life with resentment and anger

and the resentment and anger infected everyone who came into her life and the lives she created

#dreams #ancestors

love me pet me feed me

i will entertain you heal you and bite you at times


every summer i take two trains to get to her along the coast watching the shimmers on the calm waves soon i will get to her to her warmth her cooking her energy her love

her house is messy the floors greasy with the oil and steam from her constant cooking her constant love heavy love

her house always open women from the neighborhood loud tv snacks on the table in the morning i’m on her bicycle rusty with a pink cover she wears the same hat she rides to the same places peaceful winds on my cheeks on my tanned legs i smell her

she doesn’t ask she just does

i miss her

i miss my grandma


Energy reading is one of the phenomenons I experience when healing people like you who are open and receptive to the work.

Through my intuition and my touch, I receive downloads about your energy, feelings, and the whereabouts of your journey. It is not something I do on purpose. It just happens.

Intuitive Touch, my healing practice, is a somatic and visceral experience. As the receiver, your body is gently wrapped in my hands with love, warmth, and intention.

I intend to hold a safe space for you, literally and metaphorically, generating warming sensations in and onto your body and creating a deep sense of acceptance. This helps you soften your heart, body, and nervous system.

When you allow yourself to relax and come back into your body, you can tap into parts of yourself you’ve neglected for a long time. Now, you can have a conversation with yourself that you’ve been meaning to have.

That is when your energy enters my consciousness. Sometimes, healing someone open and receptive makes me cry because I feel your effort and desire to break out of your hell. I feel your inner child buried deep within you. Other times, I may see a vision of you in my dreams.

Feeling is healing. It’s both the most fundamental and crucial step of our healing journeys. We accept who we are and where we are. And we start heading to the most authentic version of ourselves.

#healing #intuitivetouch

Growing up, I was encouraged to eat everything. As a result, I became a good, non-picky eater. However, I am learning that my body is just not happy with certain foods.

Spicy chilis make my stomach upset.

Nightshade vegetables, non-raw milk dairies, shellfish, and blue fish make my skin itch.

Overprocessed gluten inflames my muscles and joints.

Refined sugar gives me a brain fog. I feel weak and stupid after consuming sugar.

Coffee makes me jittery. I used to think that was normal, but I didn’t want that to be how I felt every morning.

The morning after consuming alcohol, my skin feels dehydrated like a desert. I see wrinkles on my face that I normally never see.

So I’ve removed these foods from my diet. Of course, I make exceptions from time to time.

Some of these foods were harder to let go of than others. I used to love hand-pouring coffee. I looked forward to the ritual every morning. Weighing the beans. Folding and setting the filter. Pouring water slowly as the beans bloom and the aroma fills the air. Many evenings, I enjoyed a glass or two of red wine. Sometimes I’d sip on añejo tequila or mezcal. And I’d do that while watching the sunset or listening to music.

One thing about me, I do not like dwelling on the past and what’s no longer working for me. I enjoy adapting to new ways, and I did.

Now I am a very picky eater. I listen to my body and what it needs/does not, and I really like how I feel with and from what I eat.

#healing #journal

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