Talk to Fa

Public display of my private journal

A shaman I met in Central America once told me that one of my biggest challenges would be to single out what my gift and purpose are.

He said because I’m skilled at so many things on an exceptional level, people are going to project their ideas onto me in regards to what I should do or who I should become.

When I heard that, it brought me a big sense of relief. It’s true, I’m naturally good at many things. But that doesn’t mean I want to pursue all of them.

This entire year, I’ve been a hermit. I shut down a lot of outside influences and tried my best to get to know me again.

I’ve learned that I don’t need much to be happy and content as long as I have my health and my own company, I must protect myself around those who are energy drainers while staying open and kind, and that I don’t like a lot of things I used to think I did.

And I have a deep inner knowing. My soul is very, very old.

#journal #healing

I have no desire or patience to explain myself.

If you get me, that’s lovely.

If you don’t, no amount of explanation is going to put us in natural alignment.


I hear a calling Through my left ear I feel their presence They talk to me

The shamanic psychic who was loved by her children and grandchildren

The community leader who created a safe space for the neighborhood outcasts

The vivacious spiritual nomad who raised the secret love child of her lousy brother

The larger-than-life lover who cared for everyone who had the pleasure of entering her life

The misunderstood wanna-be actress who died angry at the world

These are women in my lineage

I know I am connected I know I am protected I am deeply rooted

I am a sum of these women Everything that they were Everything they wished to be.

#journal #ancestors #intuition

I sleep a lot.

In my waking consciousness, my antenna is always on. I am constantly observing and connecting to everything around me. Most of the time, I am unaware of such activities. This is just my natural state.

When I’m engaged in a conversation, I give all of myself to whom I’m talking to. On the other hand, I often zone out to the point I fail to notice words said by someone who’s in my face.

When I hear a beautiful piece of music, or when I am immersed in nature, I get goosebumps and tears brim in my eyes.

When I am lying on the ground and feel the warmth of the sun on my skin, I am reminded of my past life as a living soul in a strange place with intense heat.

When I am in the presence of someone who is hurting, my heart aches, with tightness in my chest.

When I spend time with someone who is very negative, my neck and shoulders turn stiff and I experience pain and fatigue the next day.

I’ve learned to manage the influence of outside energies all my life, but especially the past couple of years as my awareness has grown even further.

It is exciting to be me. Yet very exhausting. I don’t know how to turn my antenna off.

That’s why I need a lot of sleep.


I love you Because I love me so much And I see bits of myself in each one of you

#love #journal

She entered the room in a flamboyant manner. Dressed in a marigold color two-piece suit that resembled a noble African tribe chief. It suited her so well, and she looked completely androgynous.

Grandma, from my dream journal.

#art #dreams #ancestors

I always seem to create something impulsively and intuitively, and later learn why I did what I did.

This quick painting I made a couple of years ago is a great example, as these days, I am feeling very connected to something larger than myself.

#art #intuition #ancestors

the sun is high the sky is blue winds on my tanned skin the sweet sound of silence

on the rocks between rocks surrounded by rocks

that’s where i want to be

#nature #love #poems

Out of darkness Into the light Are we ready?

Photo by Aiman A.

#healing #nature

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