Talk to Fa


Cats like me because I am one of them.

#meow #love

Warm summer night Sitting on the balcony floor Facing me closely On the faded blue beach blanket Two wine glasses Two mezcal shots One water pipe

Warm string lights Illuminating the texture of your curly hair Your eyes So wide and open Deep like the ocean Sad like the saddest movie I’ve ever seen

Your eyes on my eyes No blinking so far Piercing through my soul I feel seen for the first time

#love #poems #art

I like my face the way it is. It took a lot of inner work to be able to say that, and I deserve this sense of ease. I earned it. It’s a good place to be.

#healing #love #journal

I told him I love him I simply expressed what I felt It was not a request for an action I sought no answer The feelings were overflowing And drowning me in overwhelm I had to release them I had to tell him For me

#love #journal

I love the nighttime. I am a night owl. The darkness inspires me. It lights the fire in me. Sometimes, I wake up early by accident. Totally against my desire. I wish I were a morning person. Because the sun is too precious to miss.


I look forward to seeing the black cat every time I go out for a walk. Sometimes he’s outside, sometimes he is not. That is just how it is. We’ve become very close over the past few months. I’ve slowly gained his love and trust. We have a mutual understanding of each other. It’s the first time I’ve ever felt this way toward a nonhuman. Souls are souls after all. I’m in love with his sweet soul.

Photo by my mom

#love #meow